Immigration Reform Storm

by: Jake Nowe
March 19, 2024
9 mins read
Immigration Reform

A little while back, I was flipping between different news channels, as I normally like to do.

I like getting many different perspectives on various news stories, and on this day, I was particularly interested in the news about a recent moon landing.

Intuitive Machines, a private space company, landed a spacecraft called the Odysseus lander on the moon, and I wanted to see the coverage.

As I flipped to the first channel, they were covering the landing, and I naturally watched until they went to a commercial.

But as I changed to the next channel, they were not covering the moon landing. They were talking about immigration and the border. 

This was a Republican-leaning channel, and not even the first American spacecraft to land on the moon since 1972 could take them away from talking about the border, even for a few minutes.

Border security and, overarchingly, immigration reform are significant issues that have needed much change and attention for years, and concern about this is why not even a moon landing that hasn’t happened in decades can get pushed out of the leading story for certain channels.

It’s an issue even both political parties technically agree on. They will both tell you that the immigration system is broken and needs reform.

However, their goals for reforming the system are very different and can cause many problems on the way to a solution.

For years, politics has always gotten in the way and turned immigration reform into a political storm that only seems to be getting stronger and stronger. 

But if we can get past the storm, solutions are waiting in the aftermath. 

In this article, we’ll examine why immigration reform is such a complicated issue, how politicians have failed to solve it, and why politics is getting in the way of the solutions. 

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