Digital Democracy: The Influence of Technology in America

by: Jake Nowe
January 16, 2025
10 mins read
Digital Democracy

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

Christian Lous Lange, a Nobel Peace Prize winner from the early 20th century, authored this quote about 100 years ago. However, its message has become even more pertinent in modern times than it was back then.

The underlying point is that technology can be a valuable tool to help us solve problems and improve our lives, but it can also be dangerous if we become too dependent on it.

And throughout history, we’ve seen the pattern of both.

Whether it was the wheel, the Industrial Revolution, or the information age and the development of computers, with the advancement of technology came the advancement of society and the improvement of our lives.

But at the same time, with every new advancement of technology comes a change in how our entire society operates and how we live our personal lives.

For example, if we think about how much our lives differ from Lange’s in the early 20th century, it becomes apparent how extraordinary the impact of technology can be. 

Technologies that didn’t even exist back then have made our lives easier but have also become essential for us to get through our everyday lives and interact in our world.

And for us in the United States, every time there have been significant advancements in technology, there have been political, social, and economic changes along with it, which influence the entire direction of our country.

This influence has been both positive and negative throughout history, but with technology advancing so rapidly in the last few decades and with the potential to advance even faster in the decades ahead, we must begin to recognize how it has changed our country and how to understand and prepare for the changes ahead.

In this article, we’ll discuss how technology influences our political culture, why it can be a problem for our country, and how to solve these issues and best prepare for advancements in the future.

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